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The path of the zodiac sign (belief) to the constellation Cassiopeia (loyalty - reliability, stability)

Dear friends, answer questions sent to me in private messages, including my marriage: the Star Trek I have seen little in the sky.
So we start the way - I was born under the sign of "fish"
1. the first photo - Fish here on the sky.
2. The Milky Way is part of the constellation - "Scorpio"
3. And now my flight of white swans .... but on the way of marriage with a scorpion - the constellation of "fox" - a lie.
4. And here is my Scorpio - the Ophiuchus.
5. And I am the Fish - Andromeda
6. My daughter - Fish - loving horses - here it is Pegasus
7. And who is Perseus? - A male person without negative qualities. So from childhood I saw my father. But my husband turned out to be not so. Too many lies in the logic of it.
8. Next, the marriage be terminated.
9. Flying the white swan to her father. These constellations: Ursa Major and Ursa Minor - mother and daughter.
10. And then here is my father - Tseferon and his daughter's the one with a mirror - Kasseopeya :-)
11. Earlier, I told you that one of my favorite games with his father - a mirror.
See the difference: At the corona where Ophiuchus? aside like and at hand, but did not catch.
Here Tseferon - is the owner of the house - looking at the constellation - see that? - House.

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